Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hello. My name is James Boggie. I have considered blogging for a while now, but I never felt like it quite fit into my life. That changed when I graduated from Boston University this past May. Now, I am living in Boston, searching for a job, and transitioning into post-graduate life. This summer seems like the perfect time to make blogging part of my life.

I hope that blogging will allow me to retain some of the energy of college life after graduation. My life should be a constant exploration of my world. I should always seek greater understanding of the wonders that surround me. I should perpetually search for ways to help the people around me. I should go to bed exhausted every night, and know that each day was well spent. In short, I want to live like a man on fire. Nothing less will keep me happy.

In college, it was easy for me to live this sort of life. College is dedicated to learning, personal enrichment, and service. At Boston University, opportunities were omnipresent, diverse, convenient, and free. It was easy to keep myself meaningfully busy during every moment of every day of those four years.

Now that I have graduated, I am afraid of losing my fire. The “real world” (for lack of a better term) is a tough place. There is no administration offering extracurricular activities to keep me active, and there is no learning community dedicated to supporting my intellectual growth. At the same time, there is a great deal of pressure. I am feeling the weight of my daily expenses, and I know that my college loans come due soon. Finding a job is my primary focus, which worries me. I am afraid that while I am so focused on survival, I will forget to live.

I hope that this blog will provide some structure for ongoing education and exploration. I see this blog as a place to store my thoughts about the world as I experience it - history, politics, current events, culture, art, etc. It will motivate me to continue monitoring the news, reading books, visiting sites, and thinking about my world critically as a part of my daily life. Hopefully some people will like what I write, and I will find a new learning community.

Thank you for reading my introductory post. I hope you liked it enough to return. As a new blogger, I would appreciate any help I can get. Please share any tips about blogging, suggested reading, or ideas for topics. I look forward to hearing from you.

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